Chops' Pan Outreach Program presents our 2025 Pan Camp & Day of Pan!
Back for the fourth year running, this is an incredible and FREE experience in world music! Participants will explore and learn the steel drum (pan) instrument, meet new people, and prepare for a performance with professional steel bands and world-renowned pannist Dr. Josanne Francis!
Monday, August 4th through Friday, August 8th, rehearsals will be held at Anwatin Middle School in Minneapolis. Participants will be split into three age groups:
Grades 4-8 will attend 9 am–12:00 pm with lunch provided.
Grades 7-11 will attend from 12 pm–3 pm with lunch provided. (Parents can request that their children of different ages attend the same ensemble, with director approval.)
The Adult Ensemble will meet from 6 pm–8 pm M, T, W & F.
On Saturday, August 9th, participants will meet at Anwatin Middle School in Minneapolis for performances and dinner.
Doors open at Anwatin Middle School for an afternoon concert by renowned Pannist Dr. Josanne Francis - time TBD.
Sound check & free t-shirts for all participants before group concert - time TBD.
Free dinner - time TBD.
Doors open at Anwatin Middle for our evening concert featuring Dr. Josanne Francies performing with all Pan Camp participants and three professional steel bands! Estimated time 6:00 p.m.
Transportation to Anwatin can be arranged as needed within a five mile radius. All of this and more is being provided AT NO COST to participants.
All events are chaperoned by staff and volunteers. All music rehearsals will be run by Pan Outreach educators. Staff/educator to participant ratio will be 6:1 for each ensemble. Each ensemble will be limited to 25 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.